Advocates Since 1988
Wills and Estates

Estate planning is an area of priority, because of its importance to the lives of its patrons and their loved ones. Proper estate preparation by a Charlotte estate planning attorney can prevent significant financial and emotional burdens, during a time when the loss and grief may already be overwhelming. Identification of the appropriate personal representative, trustee, guardian, and attorney in fact should not be left to a third party. Clients often express peace of mind when their end of life plan is complete.
The Last Will and Testament takes effect upon death. The Will is a legacy document in which the maker provides for family and recognize friends or charitable organizations. The Testator or Testatrix can leave specific real property or personal belongings to designated beneficiaries and can form a Testamentary Trust for the care and education of descendants. A Will normally designates an executor or executrix, and provides a guardian to care for minor children.
Our firm customizes each document to the express requirements of each client and opportunity for close review is accorded. Then, because proper execution is so important, our firm does not charge any additional fee for execution services to flat fee clients in order to encourage proper execution.
Power of Attorney
A General (or Durable) Power of Attorney concerns financial, business, and personal affairs. An appointed attorney in fact can act either immediately, or only upon incapacity or incompetence of the principal. A General Power of Attorney has many options about which we provide advice to the client.
A Health Care Power of Attorney impacts health care decisions. The health care agent normally has broad discretion but the principal can limit that discretion. The maker can also specify mental health parameters, cremation or burial, organ donation, and autopsy or disposition of remains.
Powers of attorney are very important because they can prevent the need of a special proceeding to appoint a guardian of the estate or guardianship of the person in most situations.
Living Will
A Living Will is also called a Declaration of Desire for a Natural Death or a Do Not Resuscitate document. In the Living Will, the client can select the end of life situations in which it applies and whether the Living Will or the Health Care Agent has priority.
A trust is needed in special situations. A trust can be established during the lifetime of the Settlor (inter vivos trust) or can be established after death (testamentary trust). Purposes of a trust include when a person is trying to avoid probate, when parents are trying to provide for young children, or when a beneficiary is unable to manage financial affairs and a trustee is needed to handle and to preserve the trust corpus.
Estate Administration
When a person passes, the Will must be probated through estate administration. Our firm assists clients with probate matters and can help administer an estate when a person dies without a will through intestate succession.
At Thurman, Wilson, Boutwell & Galvin P.A., our estate planning lawyers have prepared and executed wills and other estate planning documents for hundreds of clients in Charlotte and the surrounding areas. We take pride in our attention to detail and we insure the express wishes of each maker are fulfilled.
Contact an attorney for estate planning services with Thurman, Wilson, Boutwell & Galvin P.A. You can call us at (704) 377-4164 or simply submit our online form.